Sunday, August 4, 2024 10:30 AM

A Few Words | 1 of 1 | Stillness in Turmoil

Pastor Brian Jenkins

The Bible talks a lot about the words that come out of our mouths. It is wisdom to know when to speak and when not to speak. We should not speak for ourselves, but for the benefit of others.

In this message Pastor Brian tells us that many times we ought to let our "words be few" and learn to listen more. This gives us a greaer understanding of what we should and should not say to others.

Message Notes: PDF


All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.

Sunday, August 11, 2024 10:30 AM

Pastor Randy Burton

Zebulun Apostolic Ministries

Calvary had a very special guest speaker today. Randy and Cindy Burton pastor Northview Assembly of God in Columbus, Indiana. They travel the world training the five-fold ministry and developing new churches.

Pastor Randy ministered on how the power of prayer transformed his life and church and elevated them into world-changers.

Length: 2:01:26

All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.

Sunday, August 18, 2024 10:30 AM

Entrusted To Your Care | 1 of 1

The Role Playing Game

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Pastor Brian share about our responsiblity to care for one another. Ministry is not about building churches are benfiting one's self. It is about the care and feeding of the flock of God.

In this message he reveals sveral Scriptures which teel us that ministry to thers is a sacred trust bestowed upon us by the Lord.

Message Notes: PDF

Length: 1:43:32

All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.

Sunday, August 25, 2024 10:30 AM

Gideon Rally Sunday | 1 of 1

Guest Speaker Mark Cline

The week we had Mark Cline, president of the Randolph County Gideons International Camp, as our guest speaker for Gideon Rally Sunday. He updated us on the work of the Gideons around the world and their camp's ministry in the country jail.

At the close of the service Calvary received an offering for the work of the Gideons.

Length: 1:20:40

All videos contain the worship session. All music displayed or performed is licensed through CCLI for performance, display, and streaming. License Numbers 46616 and CSPL137194.