Time Keeps On Slippin' Into The Future

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Blog No. 38 - Reading Time: 3:10

I’m sitting here on a Tuesday evening trying to write a blog post for yesterday, thinking that I’ll need to write one also for the Monday before Susan and I take a week to go to Mackinac Island in Michigan next week. Whew!

We’ve also begun Sunday night services again with our new book study on Fully Equipped. I love teaching sessions like these, but it will take me a few times to get back into the swing of it.

Finally, I believe we have new direction for Calvary, and it all begins this coming year. This could cause me to be busier than I have been in awhile. That raises the stress level and you begin to need to set some priorities and refine some schedules for yourself. I never like things setting on the back burner, but that seems to be a mainstay and history of my ministerial career.

The Time Is Short

You’ve all heard the religious expression, “the time is short.” Well, it really is sometimes. Even taking some time off becomes counterproductive, because when you get back, there is everything you left still sitting there waiting to be done. Time does seem to just keep on slipping into the future.

Everyone has probably said there is just not enough hours in the day, nor enough days in the week.  However, I feel the Lord is asking me to really look at how I spend my time. It’s not that those hours aren’t really there. They do exist. It’s how I am using them that needs to improve. Sometimes relaxing leads to more relaxing until you no longer feel like doing anything. I used to be able to “make myself do.” Now I argue with myself over what needs to be done or even if it needs to be done at all. Sometimes the answer is just take another nap.

A Time For Every Season Under Heaven

Nevertheless I will not falter. I will rise to the occasion. I will examine each and every hour of every day and see where that time is going and how I can better use it for the Lord. I will not allow myself to be pushed and miss this new season God is bringing for our church. Learning to pace yourself becomes even more important when the pace gets faster. Stumbling is not as critical when you are moving slowly, but when you pick up the pace and are carrying a load, you could really go down if you stumble.

As far as praying for me, pray that I will not stumble. Pray even more that I will not be hasty and miss the way. There is “a time and a season for everything,” as Ecclesiastes says.

May my knowledge of what to do and when to do it keep pace with the things that must be done each day. May my schedule reflect the wisdom of God’s guidance in my life.

“Desire without knowledge is not good—
 how much more will hasty feet miss the way!”

Proverbs 19:2 (NIV)

“I want to fly like an eagle to the sea.

Fly like an eagle, let my spirit carry me.

I want to fly like an eagle 'til I'm free.

Oh Lord, through the revolution.”

Steve Miller Band

Until next Monday (or when I get around to it), may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God