New Opportunities

Monday, September 9, 2024

Blog No. 37 - Reading Time: 4:15

In the coming year Calvary is planning on restarting some of our weekly activities that ended a few years back. One of those is our Sunday evening services. However, they are going to be a little different than in the past. Although I will still probably be introducing studies like the one we just started Sunday night, we will also be having special meetings, prayer conventions, guest speakers, and multi-night meetings to round out what we are doing on Sunday nights.

In other words, we will have a more flexible framework to build our schedule on. We will probably be having our missionaries speak on Sunday nights again also. We will have guest singing groups on occasion. We will also be able to get more speakers willing to come out on Sunday night than to try to schedule them on Sunday mornings. Even some well known Pastors would be willing to minister at Calvary on Sunday nights on occasion.

New Beginnings

Last night was our first Sunday night meeting since August 22nd of 2021. That was when we finished our 28th and final session of Verse by Verse in the book of Revelation. Having the gift of teaching for the body of Christ, I miss those times of opening the Bible and walking through it a verse at a time and having discussion with the congregation. Answering biblical questions as you go sharpens everyone’s ability to share the Word.

I felt an excitement once again in our first session of the new book we started, Fully Equipped By The Holy Spirit by Ricardo Taylor. I kind of overdid it at first because I have so much on my heart, but I know we will settle into the groove of this new opportunity as we progress through this vital discussion on the present day work of the Holy Spirit and the operation of his gifts within the church.

Yet no one seemed to mind, because for our first session (and first Sunday night for a while) we had a dozen people who would have probably talked and asked questions for hours. There was a new sense of hunger and expectation as we introduced the manifestations of the Holy Spirit from 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and outlined what we would be discussing.

I have been studying other areas and interjected these studies and thoughts at the beginning, but I will labor to be more focused on the topic of our book study in the future sessions. This session was basically an introduction to the book. Nonetheless it is great to have begun something that was successful from the get go. I believe also that it will provide many benefits for our church as we walk this out.

New Benefits

The greatest of these new benefits is once again seeing the work of the Holy Spirit through his gifts in the midst of our services. Sometimes you can fall into just having church. Yes, worship and prayer function in our meetings and are wonderful, but I believe God wants us known as a church of his presence throughout our community by the work of the Holy Spirit.

Reestablishing Sunday night services is a move in the right direction. So many are continuing to cut back and squeeze all their religious activity into just one hour on Sunday morning. At Calvary we need more. We need a fresh fire in our midst. We need the outlet of Sunday nights to bring ministry to our town that will express the power of God and what he is willing to do for us.

Again, it was stimulating to stand before a congregation on Sunday night and teach about the working of the Spirit in the church today. My mind races with all the opportunities to come as well-seasoned ministers of the faith come to Calvary and deposit what God has for his church into our lives.

New Direction

In 2025 our ongoing theme is “Calvary - the place to be.” That will be especially true of our Sunday night services known throughout the town as a weekly move of the Holy Spirit.

For now, it was just good to be a part of this inaugural service on Sunday night and leave with the feeling of looking forward to next Sunday night when we do it again. Join us, if you can. There are 11 sessions left, and who knows where it will go from there!

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God