Getting Into It

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Blog Post No. 36 - Reading Time: 3:30

I took yesterday off. Kinda’. Sometimes when I get a day off I find something to do that I have been wanting to get into for sometime. There are many projects that lay before me, so I have quite a selection to choose from. Usually I gravitate towards the ones that I don’t yet understand. Why? Because I like figuring things out. I like finding ways to do things that I don’t yet see how to do.

But sometimes you have to get into it to find a way.

So yesterday, instead of doing all the clerical and administrative duties I usually perform on a Monday, I tore into a project I had been wondering about. As I wrecked out stuff and looked at underlying structures, I began to see a way it could be accomplished with my present resources and abilities. The hardest part was swinging a sledge hammer at 66 years old (I’m feeling it today). Nevertheless, by God’s grace I was able to get started.

As I progressed I saw something in my activities. It doesn’t just apply to physical projects. It really applies to life in general. Sometimes you’ve got to just get into it to understand what you are dealing with. Sometimes you have to just start at it without actually knowing what the outcome will be. It’s kind of making adjustments as you go, but more importantly—once you start you will see things you could never see any other way.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

This concept is similar to the Adult Discipleship Center I started back at the first of the year. It was much more than I planned to get into, but as I did, I saw what was actually necessary to make that vision come to pass. Yes, it was more than I bargained for, but it was worth it in the long run.

In our spiritual walks with the Lord, he leads us in similar ways along sometimes unknown paths. You just have to step out in faith, not completely knowing or understanding where he is leading you or why. Yet, when you step forward in faith you begin to see things you could never have seen from your previous perspective. New opportunities and options arise as you proceed. New vantage points give you deeper understandings of God’s guidance.

Yes, sometimes you have to just get into it, because getting into to it teaches you as you go. All the best laid plans of life never turn out as they were planned. You have to make adjustments and you also have to take advantage of the new opportunities you discover along the way. Although the wall I hammered through was stone, my plans were not yet set in stone (a reference to the 10 Commandments). I had to remove some of the obstacles with a little demolition before I could even see what might be possible. (That’s a whole ‘nother topic.)

Let me just say, whatever you are currently facing in life, get into it and see what may be revealed. I cannot list the times I thought I was done, that it was over, but then that hammer I was swinging burst through the wall and I could see a whole new world on the other side.

The hardest part is getting into it. What drives you once you have begun is all the new opportunities you never saw before and all the new plans you will make based on what you have discovered.

Swing that hammer and watch all your enemies duck!

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God