Strange Feelings

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Blog Post No. 34 - Reading Time 2:20

I’m having some strange feelings today. Just like I did yesterday. That’s why I didn’t post my blog as usual on Monday. Something just seemed off to me, like God was saying something, but I wasn’t hearing it.

I tried to focus. I thought it might be coming from my daily Bible reading. Then I thought maybe I’d check the world news. There’s a lot happening out there, from the Democratic National Convention to the various wars raging between countries. Then there’s my personal spiritual life. Maybe God is showing me something I’m not aware of.

I couldn’t nail it down yesterday. However, this strange feeling will not leave me, so I will pray in the Spirit and watch until God makes it known to me. All I can say about it is that at other times when I’ve dealt with these feeling, it’s not been good. A battle is brewing. I’m not saying this is the case this time. I really don’t know.

Seek And Ye Shall Find

In my experience, many times God gives me a feeling and it causes me to start looking, searching, and questioning. Am I doing what I should be doing? Am I praying for something somewhere else in the world? Is it an attack? No, I’ve been in the Lord long enough to discern the moving of the Holy Spirit compared to the anxiety the enemy attacks us with.

Nevertheless, I am unsettled. Whatever it is, it shall be revealed. My job until then is to prepare myself for it. It’s probably a good thing I’m writing this down, so when it happens (or reveals itself) this will remind me that God warned me in advance.

“I have told you now before it happens,
 so that when it does happen you will believe.”

John 14:29 (NIV)

Part of me wants to steal away and hide myself until all is revealed. Another part of me just says keep on keeping on doing what you are doing and deal with it when it is known.

Mode Swings

For now, I’m still in investigating mode—searching out what God may be saying. So pray for me in this recent quest to hear what the Spirit is saying to me, what he is trying to show me, and in what way I am to prepare myself for what is coming.

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God