Grateful And Thankful

Monday, August 12, 2024

Blog Post No. 33 - Reading Time 4:20

We just had Pastor Randy Burton come to Calvary with his wife, Cindy, to minister to us. I was anxious about it. I needed it to be a good service and to see God move in it. Not so much for the benefit of the people who attended, but for me. I was concerned that if it did not turn out well that I would be affected. How? I was afraid that I might become discouraged. I didn’t realize how much I was banking on this being a blessing, rather than just another attempt to find a new direction. But, we’ll never know, because it was great!

I am so grateful and thankful. Grateful that Pastor Randy would take the time to come and minister to us. He travels the world and is quite busy even with his own church in Columbus, Indiana. I am thankful that our people treated him with respect and honored him as a man of God. I’m especially blessed that they opened themselves up to receive ministry during the service. Our altar was lined from side to side. Several received the baptism in the Holy Spirit for the first time. Others were stirred deeply by the manifest presence of the Lord. All in all, it was very encouraging to my spirit to see God move in our midst. It was also encouraging to see Pastor Randy minister with such an anointing. We were blessed by it, and I believe he was too.

Outrageous Boldness

I have made some bold statements about Calvary’s comeback in our community. I made some more statements like this during the service Sunday. I remain steadfast in the belief that our church will have a deep impact on our community in coming years. All I do is to aid in that coming to pass. Part of it is the type of people who are willing to come and provide Holy Ghost ministry here in Union City. The other part is the continued responsiveness of our people to follow God and draw closer to him in everything.

One new thing I have noticed: From Pastor Wayne Biggs from Texas to Matthew Eckart of Kingdom Pursuit Ministries to Pastor Randy Burton of Zebulun Apostolic Ministries, there is a common heart in them that resonates with my heart for people. This heart draws them to come to the places where people are hungry for a move of God, no matter the size.

A Matter Of Heart

The Apostle Paul had co-laborers who worked alongside him, yet they weren’t always with him locally. He sent them out many times to other churches What bound them together in this service to the body of Christ was their hearts for the people of God—to see them equipped and fully functioning for the kingdom of God. They wanted to see all of God’s people grow in grace and become solid, fruitful believers.

When Paul was writing to the believers in Corinth about Titus, who he had sent to them to minister to them, he said this:

“I urged Titus, and sent our brother with him.
 Did Titus take advantage of you?
 Did we not walk in the same spirit?
 Did we not walk in the same steps?”

2nd Corinthians 12:18 (NKJV)

Minding The Right Things

Paul rested in the fact that he knew the heart of those who labored with him. I believe part of the success of Sunday’s time of ministry was in the fact that Calvary knows my heart, and they know that anyone I invite to minister at Calvary will have the same heart for them as I do. We walk in the same spirit and the same steps when it comes to ministry. It’s not about us. It’s about those we serve.

Our hearts and minds are on what the people of our congregations need, not about our own ministries. We are not serving for our own advantage either. We are sacrificing our lives for the benefit of every believer we minister to.

Paul also says this in Philippians:

“Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained,
 let us walk by the same rule,
 let us mind the same thing.”

Philippians 3:16 (KJV)

As we bring more guest speakers into Calvary to build us up again, you can rest assured they will walk by this same rule and mind the same things I do.

This eases my anxiety and encourages me to continue to seek out like-minded, 
like-hearted ministers to labor with us in our community.

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God