A Little Here, A Little There

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Blog Post No. 35 - Reading Time 3:45

I keep a photo record of my activities over the years. I don’t really use it to show others my family or events in my life. I use it more to jog my memory about the things that happen in my life—events related to what I am doing and where I am going. Every year, and sometimes more often, I look back on these photos and kind of get my bearings. From them I can see if I’m making progress or if I’m getting off course, if I’m falling behind or getting ahead of myself.

What I glean from this regular activity is that I seem to not make any definitive accomplishments over the course of a year, or over my lifetime for that matter. However, what I do see is a little here and a little there. In other words, things are better each year and moving forward in the right direction. Granted, there are sometimes setbacks that seem to cancel all my progress, but overall, I’m in a better place now than in any previous year.

Preventing Discouragement

This habit, and others I have developed, are what keep me from getting discouraged in my relationships and in my ministry. As I peruse the past I find that things are better for my having been involved in them—lives are better, situations are better, finances are better. Overall things are better because of me.

You might say that sounds kind of brash, but each of us needs to know that. Each of us needs to evaluate our lives and be able to say the same thing. Would you want to say things are worse since you showed up?

However, that all depends on your measuring system. Mine is “a little here, a little there.”

“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith;
 test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus
 is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?”

2nd Corinthians 13:5 (NIV)


Of course, we have to be careful that our self-examination does not turn into self-condemnation. I don’t look back trying to find all the things I did wrong. I look back searching for progress. Am I a better person? Are people benefiting from knowing me? Am I still on course for what God wants of my life? My photo album (and my journals) help me to stay on track and improve the areas where I have failed.

There’s also one other area that looking back in reflection helps me in—it helps me to finish what I’ve started. Too often in my life I start something then run into a snag and fail to complete my mission. Also looking at photos of unfinished projects and events that didn’t go well allows me to adjust how I do things in the future and re-instills in me the excitement I once felt for what I was doing at that time. Sometimes it helps me to pick up where I left off and complete a project.

Seasons Come, Seasons Go

Let me just explain it this way. There are seasons to everything. You might not get all you wanted planted in a single year before the planting season is over, but you set your sights on next season and expand your hopes and dreams for a greater harvest. Yes, that requires more planning and preparation, but that’s what you learn from “a little here, a little there.”

Let’s be ready for what the next season has in store for us. Looking back can help in navigating your course for what’s ahead.

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God


Note: Be sure to check out this week’s Photo Gallery page for photos of the new sign that covers up the failed foyer project at Calvary. We are setting our sights on 2025!