Feeling Good About Myself

Monday, June 10, 2024

Blog Post No. 24 - Reading Time: 3:20

This will be a short blog post this morning because I am preparing to celebrate with the other men of our church during our annual MAN WEEK here at Calvary. So I’ll get right to the point. It’s becoming harder and harder to celebrate your manhood in this society without being tagged as evil and the source of everyone else’s problems. It’s come to the place that simply being a white male is problem enough in and of itself. I am wondering when it became okay to define who a person is by the color of their skin and their gender alone. Rather than the quality of their character.

Maybe it’s that some want us to feel and understand what racism is like, even through we don’t participate in it. Maybe some want to ostracize men because we don’t agree with how others may identify themselves. Maybe it’s because our beliefs and way of life point out the nonsense that others have given themselves over to.

Not Real Acceptance

Whatever the case, in the same way you cannot accept who I am, know this—I do not accept you the way you are either. There, it is said out loud what you feared was true. No, I don’t accept you. And if you will accept the truth of the matter, nor do you accept me. Therein is the battle, and it is a real battle. We must become aware that only one side of this will rule the day. Only one way of life will win out.

But that’s not my warning. My warning is this:

“For the wages of sin is death;
 but the gift of God is eternal life
 through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Romans 6:23 (KJV)

Sin is still the issue and Jesus is still the Savior. It’s not that we are going to rise up and oppress those with whom we do not agree. We are simply going to warn you that these perverse ways carry with them the judgment of God, which is death. Not only a consignment to hell in the next life, but a continually reaping of the deadly seeds you sow in this life.

Celebrating Manhood

However, at Calvary we celebrate manhood. It is a role initiated by God and defined by God in the Scriptures. We work to uphold it in our families and in our society. We recognize manhood’s authority and responsibility. Even though you may point out the literal crimes of the church in the past, we still stand for the truth that there is a God and he is revealing to us how we are to live to please him.

Everything I do and everything we do at Calvary is to encourage and support that stance. So as we celebrate the God-given role of men this week, we will not apologize for who we are, as you will probably not apologize for who you may think you are.

But along with the warning, I must add this:

“But if ye will not do so, behold,
 ye have sinned against the Lord:
 and be sure your sin will find you out.”

Numbers 32:23 (KJV)

It Proves Itself

What I am saying is, sin proves itself to be sin by the death that it brings. Righteousness is the same. It proves itself by the life it brings.

I pray each of our families can celebrate Father’s Day knowing that the father’s role is of a God-given design.

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God