Reaching the Finish Line

Monday, February 5, 2024

Post No. 6 - Reading Time: 4:30

Today in my blog I just want to share something inspirational I feel the Lord has spoken to my heart. If it has inspired me to finish the race with joy, maybe you too can glean something from it.

It is simply three things you have to keep doing to finish strong. Over time we often get tired of doing the same old thing year after year. However, consider this: If it is vital, you can never stop doing it. Do you get tire of breathing? No, it’s vital. How about eating? I know you may say you could cut back a little, but you never get tired of it to the point you just quit.

So I have outlined three simple things you must keep doing. They need to be a part of your daily resolution each morning as you rise to face the day.

1. Stay Excited!

How? By spending time to re-envision your goals in life. Every day you have to remind yourself that your plans are important. Rather than cutting them back to doable, expand them to impossible!

What I mean by this is add to your goals. Extend their outcomes. Some say it this way, “Dream a little!” Think of the endless possibilities of what your goals could mean for others, for your family, or for your own state of being.

In the Christian realm we call this a vision. Each of us should have a God-sized vision for our lives. We should meditate on it daily until an excitement rises up in our hearts that propels us forward. The best way to dig yourself out of self-imposed doldrums is to remember your dreams and visions and meditate on them.

Meditate on your vision so much that you take pen and paper and outline the goals that bring your vision to fulfillment. Remember: It needs to excite you.

That leads to the next thing:

2. Stay Focused!

Whenever you are moving in a direction—any direction—things pop up to distract you. Advertisers bank on this fact. They work hard to produce materials and ads that take you from what you were thinking about and cause you to think about their products. This is much like the work of the enemy of your soul. He knows that focus produces results.

In our society most people are spread very thin just taking care of daily responsibilities, much less advancing their goals in life. Because of this break your goals down into daily tasks that are doable. Each of those tasks is a step towards seeing your dream come to pass.

Focusing has more to do with what needs to happen today than anything in the future. STAY in the DAY! Learn how to set and maintain priorities. Do what needs to be done today and you can sleep well, knowing that you are another step closer to realizing your vision.

Jesus said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)

Work on today and today alone. Making today a great day sets the tone for all your tomorrows.

3. Stay Moving

Finally, keep moving forward. We all experience setbacks in life, but rather than mourning the losses, move into new territory each day. New territory often means new battles to fight because many times you are advancing into territory occupied by an enemy.

This was the ultimate discouragement the Israelites faced after they were set free from Egypt. Within a short couple of years they faced the entrenched enemies of the Promised Land. They expected it to be handed to them, but they found themselves having to fight for every inch of what was promised. Several kingdoms even leagued themselves together to fight Israel at one time. Nevertheless, once the Israelites made the determination to move forward, nothing could stand before them.

We too just need to keep moving in the direction the Lord has promised, no matter what we see, hear, or think. “He is faithful who promised.” (Hebrews 10:23)

Higher Ground

So I hope these things speak to your heart, no matter what you are facing, nor how impossible your situation seems. Stay excited (Set Goals), stay focused (Set Priorities), and stay moving (Develop Self-Discipline).

Like the old hymn tells us:

I’m pressing on the upward way,

New heights I’m gaining ev'ry day;

Still praying as I’m onward bound,

“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God