Ask And You Shall Receive

Monday, February 12, 2024

Post No. 7 - Reading Time: 3:40

Today’s blog post is more about yesterday than anything else. I told the congregation the Lord had instructed me to start praying for the service each Sunday morning when I arrived at the church.

I get up at 6:00 AM and I’m usually over to the church between 6:30 and 7:00 AM. I immediately jump into turning everything on, checking the heat, tuning my guitar, running through the worship songs for the day, and a multitude of other things needed for a smooth running gathering of God’s people. However, Sunday morning prayer before all of this was never on my radar. The Lord checked my spirit because of this.

Of course you have one of those moments like, “Why has this always slipped my mind.” I talk with God continually, and have many moments of prayer, personal devotions, and an hour of prayer each weekday, but taking a moment to pray early Sunday morning about the message I was about to share with everyone alluded me. Until now.

Having begun to respond to the Lord concerning this, I am seeing a better focus on what I’m supposed to be doing in the Sunday service. On top of that, I felt much more in tune with the Holy Spirit throughout the service yesterday. This led to me being more relaxed, in spite of new music, the service running long, and the fear of another technology snag!

Prayer Is Preparation

So really, the idea of praying early Sunday morning before I get into all the preparation at church is more about helping me than anything else. In other areas prayer is a great stress reliever. It also has a great calming affect on my soul as I prepare for ministry early Sunday mornings.

I’ve asked the Holy Spirit to remind me each Sunday to pray first then prepare for the service. You know, you can do that. Yes, the Holy Spirit can remind you of things you ask him to. Sometimes we can’t depend on our own memories, but we can always depend on the Holy Spirit to remind us. It’s almost like an “anointed” schedule when you include the Holy Spirit in your daily tasks.

Through the week, in my “hour in the tower,” I always ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength for the day ahead. He is my best source of productivity. He orders my steps. Not that he is the executive secretary I never had, but he is there to constantly remind me of what I’m supposed to be doing next. Psalm 119:133 says, “Order my steps in your word.”

Aligning Your Agenda

Let the Holy Spirit set the tone and agenda for your day. It’s almost like saying, “Well, God, what are we doing today.” He will remind you of anything you’ve forgotten or neglected.

As for the service yesterday, it made a great difference! Maybe not in the minds of those who attended, but in my heart and mind I enjoyed it so much more. I wasn’t worrying over the tech and the time. I allowed the Holy Spirit to calm my spirit and let me be a part of what he was doing among us as a church.

Releasing and Realigning

You can overthink things and miss the flow of God’s Spirit. You can distract yourself with all the technicalities and all the “have-to-do’s,” or you can pray and release it all to the Lord. I think that’s what he’s asking me to do each Sunday morning—release it all to him. Then maybe I’ll enjoy the service a lot more than I usually do. Maybe those who attend will also.

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God